Tuesday, 29 October 2013

[YEP-DC] Upcoming PD opportunities: ChildLight Yoga and Yoga 4 Classrooms trainings

Hope your fall has gotten off to a great start. I've heard from several trainees that this list is where they found out about my workshops on sharing yoga with children, so I wanted to share my next dates and more info:

ChildLight Yoga Teacher Training is an incredibly fun, interactive and educational experience! A passion for yoga and a love for children is at the core of this training. This comprehensive kids' yoga teacher training program is designed to provide yoga practitioners with the tools and knowledge needed to share the gifts of yoga with children. Training addresses teaching yoga to children ages 2-teens, with a concentration on ages 2-12yrs. Whether you are seeking to incorporate what you learn into your current work with children, or whether you are looking to teach yoga to children as a career, the CLY Teacher Training will provide you with the information and inspiration necessary to begin doing so immediately.

Friday, January 17 - Sunday, January 19 at Willow Street Yoga (Silver Spring) 
Times: Friday 5-9pm, Saturday 10am-8pm, Sunday 1:30-6pm

Includes 17 contact hours, comprehensive ChildLight Yoga Instructor Manual, many useful handouts, the corresponding CD of Yoga Songs for Children, certification administration and materials, membership in the CLY Instructor community, and much more. $395 per person.

Yoga 4 Classrooms Professional Development Workshop is a one-day workshop appropriate for K-12 classroom teachers, school counselors, phys ed teachers, health educators, therapists  and other school professionals interested in incorporating simple yoga and mindfulness techniques into the classroom setting.

Saturday, November 16 10am-4:30 pm - Christ Church (Eastern Market)
Friday, January 17 10 am-4pm - Willow Street Yoga (Silver Spring)

Includes 6 contact hours, comprehensive Yoga 4 Classrooms Program Manual, the Yoga 4 Classrooms Card Deck, many useful handouts, and much more. $180 per person.

Don't know which training to take?

Yoga 4 Classrooms is a 1 day professional development workshop for educators wishing to incorporate yoga movement breaks, breathing exercises and mindfulness activities into the regular classroom day. This is a great workshop for teachers, classroom aids and paraprofessionals, school therapists, and any other school staff person who might have the opportunity to share yoga in 30 second to 10 or 20-minute increments in a day. There's no moving desks, removing shoes, or yoga class period required to reap the benefits of yoga and mindfulness for your students.

If you do have the opportunity to share yoga in longer blocks of time or away from a tables-and-chairs setting, the full weekend ChildLight Yoga Teacher Training might be right for you.  If you teach after school programming, summer camps, or physical education, definitely check out the full weekend workshop. The basic ChildLight training includes quite a bit of the Yoga 4 Classrooms material and a lot more - games, activities, songs, etc. Also, if you teach preschool or preK and have the opportunity to do movement breaks on a reading rug, that workshop is more matched to your teaching environment and will provide ideas for incorporating yoga INTO your lessons. 

If you have any questions about the best training for you, please get in touch. I'm happy to chat.
Jennifer Mueller
ChildLight Yoga and Yoga 4 Classrooms Trainer
Cell: 202-489-7368

453 Central Avenue, Suite 103
Dover, NH 03820
Main Office: 603-343-4116

ChildLight Yoga and Yoga 4 Classrooms provide evidence-based yoga education to children in schools and communities, and to professionals whose work supports the well-being of children. It is our mission to teach strategies that help children and youth develop resilience, positive perceptions, good health habits and mindful awareness.


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