Saturday, 11 August 2012

[YEP-DC] YEP posting request

Hello -

I would like to share the following opportunity. The url is and the information is below:

Please let me know if you have questions or require additional information.

Thank you. Susan C. Bon, J.D., Ph.D.

Apply to Washington, DC EPFP

The Washington, D.C. EPFP provides unparalleled opportunities for Fellows to develop leadership skills and an understanding of public policy. The program is sponsored and supported by the Institute for Educational Leadership (IEL).

The program capitalizes on the area's wealth of resources, including an extensive DC metropolitan alumni network of over 950, as well as on the talented Fellows in the program each year.

Three areas of professional development are stressed: leadership development from personal and theoretical perspectives, understanding of policy issues and processes, and development of productive networks and relationships across a range of organizations.

A weekend retreat introduces Fellows to the program's substance and begins the process of team-building. Fellows meet thereafter at evening sessions twice each month, and two extended, day-long sessions provide the opportunity for deeper study of significant issues or policy areas.

Seminars, site visits, book club discussions, and a policy project engage Fellows in studying topics of current, as well as perennial interest, including issues of national concern and the more immediate challenges to policymakers and service in a metropolitan, cross-jurisdictional area. The "Annapolis Policy Seminar" enables Fellows to explore the dynamics of state level policymaking.

Instrumented feedback through leadership and social styles inventories provides a range of alternative perspectives on each Fellow's profile of strengths and areas for development. Each Fellow creates an Individual Development Plan to reinforce professional growth as an intentional, systematic process.

Apply online today!

Washington DC EPFP Coordinators

Susan Bon (EPFP 09-10)
Associate Professor
George Mason University

Monique T. Felder (EPFP 07-08)
Division of Accelerated and Enriched Instruction
Montgomery County Public Schools

Amy Yamashiro (EPFP 09-10)
Data Coordinator
Arlington Partnership for Children, Youth, and Families

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