Monday, 7 April 2014

[BloomingdaleActionList] Zoning - McMillan PUD (

I've shared an item with you.
Neighbors -    Time to start thinking about the May schedule of hearings for McMillan.    This link is Zoning's announcement of the upcoming McMillan PUD hearings:        I also copied some generic info from the Zoning site about PUDS and how to testify.     Betsy

Snapshot of the item below:
Zoning - McMillan PUD

Zoning Commission

Vision McMillan Partners, LLC & DC Deputy Mayor for Planning & Economic Development

Case 13-14

Phone:  (202) 727-6311

The ZC is a five-member quasi-judicial body charged with preparing, adopting, and subsequently amending the Zoning Regulations and the Zoning Map. The ZC also hears Planned Unit Development (PUD) cases-a planning tool which allows a developer greater flexibility of development and other incentives, provided that the project offers a commendable number or quality of public benefits and that it protects and advances public health, safety, welfare, and convenience. Three members of the ZC are residents of the District of Columbia appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Council; the fourth member is the Architect of the Capitol (or his/her representative); and the fifth member is the Director of the National Park Service (or his/her representative).

Both BZA and ZC Meetings and Hearings are held in the Jerrily R. Kress Memorial Hearing Room at the Office of Zoning at 441 4th Street, NW Suite 220-S, Washington, DC 20001.

For the ZC, you may call in advance of the hearing and be placed on a witness list or you may sign up on the witness list when you arrive at the hearing. The Chairperson will call your name in the order on the witness list, with proponents testifying first and opponents testifying last. Individuals are allowed three minutes and organizations are allowed five minutes. Should you wish to submit written testimony, it can be submitted either on the day of the hearing or prior to the hearing. If it is submitted on the day of the hearing, we ask that you submit an original and 12 copies.

Information related to specific BZA or ZC cases may be obtained online using the DCOZ Interactive Zoning Information System (IZIS). In addition to viewing hard copy files, information on most cases can now be found online through the case search function on our website. Also, please note that for new PUD cases (not modifications or time extensions), there is no longer a hard copy file and all the case file information is available online. Should you be unable to access information online, we can assist you with that from our office by appointment. Just call our office at 727-6311 and let us know whether you are seeking help with a ZC or BZA case. Information may also be obtained by visiting DCOZ at 441 4th Street, NW (One Judiciary Square), Suite 200-South, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, to review the record related to the specific case.

I am a member of the public who wants to participate in a case, what are my options?

  1. Become a Party - those interested must apply at least 14 days before the hearing and demonstrate how much more affected they are than the rest of public
  2. Become a Witness - anyone can appear and give testimony in support or in opposition to a case.
  3. Submit a letter for the record (while the record is open).


The DC Office of Zoning (DCOZ) is pleased to present a real time search tool that provides the ability to view Zoning Commission (ZC) and Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA) case-related information as well as certain supporting documents. The search tool will eventually allow users to view a full exhibit log of each selected case.


The Office of Zoning is pleased to provide Live WebCasts of Zoning Commission (ZC) and Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA) hearings and meetings. The BZA meets every Tuesday from approximately 9:00 am to 7:00 pm., and the ZC meets nearly every Monday and Thursday from approximately 6:30 pm to 11:00 pm. This live broadcast will only be available during these specified periods, Check the ZC and BZA Schedules for meeting dates and times.

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