Wednesday, 2 April 2014

[BloomingdaleActionList] Fwd: Transportation Impact Study available online


Primary election is over - back to everything else.

I didn't attend the MAG meeting about the transportation study, but I have looked at the summary and am concerned about the lack of steps being planned for mitigating the impact of traffic that will be generated by the VMP plan.

Whether you support the VMP plan, object to it, or have no opinion, if their plan is built on the McMillan site, we will all feel the effects of increased traffic in our neighborhood. 

Take a look at the summary, and if you are brave, look at the full report. Attend the meeting and/or send your questions and comments to VMP and the MAG.


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Dear Betsy,

VMP submitted a Transportation Impact Study (TIS) recently completed by Gorove/Slade to the DC Department of Transportation (DDOT) 45-days in advance of the first scheduled PUD hearing for McMillan. There is also a six-page summary with diagrams of street improvements recommended for First Street NW, North Capitol Street and Michigan Avenue.
The purpose of the TIS is to compare future conditions around the site, analyzing those conditions with and without the proposed McMillan redevelopment to determine if the PUD will have a detrimental impact. AND to develop recommendations to mitigate the impact and improve transportation conditions for pedestrians, cyclists and people driving to and from home or work.
We held a discussion at the last McMillan Advisory Group, where Gorove/Slade presented the study and members of the MAG and meeting attendees submitted questions that will be published on the Envision McMillan website.  We will alert you when the questions are published.
In the meantime, please join us on Thursday, April 3rd at 7PM at All Nations Baptist Church (corner of North Capitol Street & Rhode Island Avenue, NE) for a community-wide presentation of our Transportation Impact Study with Gorove/Slade.
If you’re unable to attend our meeting, please send email questions to and we will absolutely answer them.  We look forward to seeing you  April 3rd

Tania Jackson
Vision McMillan Partners
McMillan Sand Filtration site today
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