Monday, 26 August 2013

Re: [dcab-l] Digest for - 1 Message in 1 Topic



I  think  it is a super idea but I probably would not participate enough to help make  it work but I really hope you get it going. What  a nice platform for groups to have  fun and get a taste of what is involved in forming/playing in a band as well as just having fun playing or singing or whatever one loves about this music.


Take care,



To: "Digest Recipients" <>
Sent: Monday, August 26, 2013 12:53:32 PM
Subject: [dcab-l] Digest for - 1 Message in 1 Topic


    Barb Diederich <> Aug 25 06:17PM -0400  

    I'm considering starting a new open mike in the DC area. I've approached a venue in Wheaton and they are tentatively considering the idea but want to know how much interest there would be in the bluegrass community.
    Tentative details:
    * The open mike would be every week on a weeknight. Tuesday has been proposed.
    * There would be a professional PA and a sound person.
    * Acts would be able to come in and sign up for slots in the open mike, first come first served.
    * The open mike would run from 8:00-9:00 PM, then there would be a headlining band doing a 45 minute set, then more open mike until 11:00 PM.
    * There would also be a space for people who didn't want to participate in the open mike to simply come and jam.
    * There would be no cover charge for admission, but donations would be solicited. All donations would go to the headlining band.
    * Every effort would be made to round up the many talented local bands to take turns being the headliners. The donations might not come to much, but hey! no PA schlepping!
    * The venue serves inexpensive drinks and good bar food.
    * Would you be interested in this sort of thing?
    * Would you like to come regularly? How frequently?
    * Would you participate in the open mike?
    * Would your band like to be a headliner?
    * Would you buy food and drinks to make the venue happy?
    * Any other suggestions?
    Please forward this to everyone you think might be interested. Put it on your Facebook page, tweet it, whatever it takes to get the word out. We'd need to pull in a good crowd to make this work. Run it past your band members. And please try to respond as quickly as possible as the venue would like to gauge the level of interest in the bluegrass community.
    --Barb ~ 301-633-2504


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