Saturday, 3 November 2012

[BloomingdaleActionList] November News - DST ends today

Bloomingdale neighbors:

There is a meeting with DDOT today to explain their upcoming project for the Rhode Island Avenue area that floods - 10 to 12 - start at Mt. Bethel for presentation,  then a walk of the area..

Don't forget to change your clocks tonight - fall back! We finally get that lost hour of sleep back. This is also the time you are advised to check your smoke detectors - change those batteries. 

Today is the last day for early voting -8:30 am to 9 pm, After today, next chance is Tuesday, Election Day.Polls open on November 6 from 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m If you received an absentee ballot, it needs to be postmarked by Tuesday. There is a special election,but there is only one ballot that contains both general and special. If you receive a ballot that is not the correct one, ask for help. In general: 
North side of Adams, north - ANC 5E09
North side of U to south side of Adams - ANC 5E08. 
North side of Randolph to south side of U - ANC 5E07. 
South side of Randolph, south - ANC 5E06.

Street sweeping has ended for the season, so no more parking shuffles til spring.

Leaf collection for our area will take place twice - 11/19 to 12/01 and again 12/24 to 1/05. Leaves can be loose or bagged - placed in tree boxes the weekend before the collection period.

Three more weeks of the farmers' market.

BCA will have a special meeting on November 10, then the regular meeting on November 19.

ANC will meet this month on the second Tuesday, and not the third, so November 13.

World Mission's turkey rally will be November 17. Wow - Thanksgiving is going to be early this year.

Enjoy this chilly, but hopefully, sunny weekend!

Betsy McDaniel


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