Friday, 30 November 2012

[YEP-DC] FW: DC Office of the State Superintendent of Education Job Opportunities!

YEP-DC – here are some local job opportunities at the Office of the State Superintendent of Education.


Jesse B Rauch

Executive Director

D.C. State Board of Education

441 4th Street NW, Suite 723N

Washington, DC 20001

o: 202-741-0888

d: 202-741-0884

f: 202-741-0879


From: Crawford, Walter (OSSE)
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2012 10:00 AM
To: All Personnel - OSSE
Subject: OSSE Opportunities!
Importance: High






Career Opportunities


Position Title



Brief Description

Associate Director of Admin

(Audit and Compliance)

Vacancy # 21181



Division of Student Transportation


$88,545 - $123,963

The incumbent directs and supervises independent and objective internal audits and allegations of employee misconduct designed to reduce risk and liability faced by DOT in carrying out its mandated functions. Audits conducted under the incumbent’s supervision include, but are not limited to the following: on-time and other performance measures, terminal operations, contracts, information systems, financial and compliance, and the coordination of responses to external audits.

Management Analyst

(Special Assistant)

Vacancy # 21048




Division of Student Transportation


$72,010- $92,782

Assists with the planning, organizing and coordinating of the dispatching, operation, inspection, maintenance, repair and storage of approximately 800 school buses, passenger cars, trucks and related automotive equipment; Provides support to managers overseeing pupil transportation and determines amount and type of equipment and personnel services necessary to provide adequate and efficient services; reviews data on vehicle running time, capacity and use and traffic conditions and street patterns; makes recommendations on opera­tional expansion and change and the most optimum utilization of manpower and equipment.

Director of Routing and Scheduling

Vacancy # 21104





Division of Student Transportation


$76,996 - $107,794

Manages the implementation and support of the computer assisted student transportation routing and scheduling system, providing supervision and instruction to the routing technicians who provide general support to the Transportation Division’s use of automation and networked systems.

Responsible for the planning, design and development of school bus routes and schedules using computer assisted routing software, resolves complications, and strict adherence to the ride time requirements.

Directs the development of all school bus routes, the efficient implementation of bus routes, audit routes for accurate student data, and coordinate all required changes.

Management Analyst


Vacancy #21152




Division of Student Transportation


$85,105 - $109,648

Analyzes and model departmental operations, understand fiscal management goals, and redesign processes for efficiency gains. Gathers business and functional requirements and create requirements specifications’ documents  Facilitates meetings to capture business needs, translate business rules for new applications, and deliver artifacts including business requirements documents, use cases etc.

Director of Training & Technical Assistance

Vacancy # 20737



Specialized Education


$98,285 - $137,599

The Director of Training & Technical Assistance is responsible for providing training and technical assistance to all local education agencies in the District of Columbia to develop their capacity to serve students with special needs. Builds and implements a dynamic state system of training and technical assistance for local education agencies (LEA's), charter schools and non-public schools utilizing effective, evidence-based policies and practices to service students with special needs. Provides training and technical assistance to encourage the development of leadership skills in local LEA's, charter and non-public schools that strengthen relationships among stakeholders and support capacity building.

Supervisory Monitoring Specialist (LEA)

Vacancy # 20761




Specialized Education


$88,545 - $123,963

The LEA Monitoring Supervisor will be responsible for managing and implementing a state-level system of monitoring local educational agencies (LEAs) in the District of Columbia for compliance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

Paralegal Specialist (Blackman-Jones)

Vacancy # 21133





Specialized Education


$50,510 - $65,126

The Paralegal Specialist will be primarily responsible for accurate, timely and consistent data analysis and entry into the Blackman-Jones Database (BJD).   The incumbent will also assist other State Complaints Office staff with services essential to the proper processing of due process complaints, Hearing Officer Determinations (HODs), Settlement Agreements (SAs), and of other relevant matters within the Division of Special Education.


Program Analyst (Fiscal)

Vacancy #21186




Specialized Education


$62,499 - $79,959

The Program Analyst (Fiscal) will be responsible for supporting the Fiscal Policy and Grants Management Unit (FPGM) unit in the day-to-day management of the DSE's federal grant programs and local funds; focusing mostly on grant management activities related to sub-recipients and vendors.

Performance Plan Reports Coordinator

Vacancy #20182

Specialized Education


$62,499 - $79,959

The incumbent will assist the Assistant Superintendent with developing and implementing a state-level performance plan that ensures that schools and programs continue to build capacity to effectively serve District of Columbia youth with specialized needs.

Supervisory Monitoring Specialist (Non-Public)

Vacancy # 20221


Specialized Education


$88,545 - $123,963

The Supervisory Monitoring Specialist will be responsible for developing and implementing a state-level system of monitoring nonpublic special education schools and programs serving District of Columbia youth with special needs.  These schools include both nonpublic day schools in the local area and residential facilities, some of which are further afield.


Change In Placement Coordinator

Vacancy #20184

Specialized Education


$62,499 - $79,959

The Change in Placement Coordinator will be responsible for providing input and technical assistance to Local Education Agencies (LEAs), including DCPS and charter schools and on occasion to non-public and private school providing Special Education services to children of the District of Columbia.

Director, Accountability & Assessments  #21072


Elementary & Secondary Education


MS15-$98,285.00 - $137,599.00


The incumbent will provide leadership and vision in setting the District of Columbia's assessment, and reporting policy and practice. The incumbent designs new system state assessments in reading, writing, and mathematics for all students; prepares and coordinates the publication of annual assessment results; ensures that the District's accountability system is in full compliance with NCLB requirements; provides support to all schools via written communications, professional development sessions, and telephone calls supporting the implementation of the State Assessment Program; establish and maintain state accountability systems, state report card system and state assessments.

Director, Legislative & Intergovernmental Affairs #21042


Chief of Staff


MS 14 $88,545 -$123,963


This position functions as Director of Legislative & Intergovernmental Affairs and principal advisor to the State Superintendent for Education. This position is primarily responsible for analyzing and coordinating the implementation of a variety of major executive state education policy issues and/or decisions formulated at the State Superintendent's level.

Data Analysis Manager #20722


Enterprise Data Management


MS14 $88,545 -$123,963



The incumbent works under the broad based policy and direction of the Director, Data Management, who provides administrative direction with assignments in terms of broadly defined mission and functions. The incumbent has responsibility for independently planning, designing, and carrying out projects, programs, studies or other work.

Program Officer #20775


Chief of Staff


CS 14 $85,105- $109,648


The purpose of this position is to provide a wide range of operational, financial and management support to the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) in the daily accomplishments of required functions.


Visit DCHR’s Employment site at to apply for positions at OSSE!




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