Wednesday, 11 July 2012

[BloomingdaleActionList] Re: ANC elections

Think this one is official! 

On Sun, Jul 8, 2012 at 4:12 PM, Betsy McDaniel <> wrote:

Not to distract from the McMillan hearing on Thursday, but I would like to remind everyone that tomorrow, July 9, is the first day one can pick up petitions to  get on the November ballot for ANC commissioner. Petitions, with 25 signatures, are due August 8.

I've attached an unofficial map of our new ANC boundaries in Ward 5. You will notice that we will now be ANC5E. 

I hope that our current commissioners will let us know their intentions whether or not they plan to run for reelection. Those of you who were actively involved in getting Mark to fill John's empty seat will hopefully not want to repeat the last minute panic of getting signatures turned in at the last minute.

This will be a fresh start for our new ANC - it will be slightly smaller geographically, and quite a change of commission members. Bloomingdale should have a stronger voice for the next 10 years. Let's be sure and make the most of it!!!!


(If anyone wants a more detailed map that is easier to read, I made a Google map, but it is very unofficial. :)


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