Thursday, 12 July 2012

Re: [BloomingdaleActionList] We Need Your Help to Speak for McMillan Park on 12 July 2012


If you can't attend the hearing, you can watch it live!

But hope everyone who can attend will do so.

ANC5C's letter (attached - Hugh tweeted yesterday)  that came out of Tuesday night's meeting asked the board to be allowed to submit a letter after next Tuesday's meeting. So, perhaps if the record remains opens, someone can send an additional letter if you watch and note some topic that was not covered.


On Sat, Jul 7, 2012 at 10:36 AM, Commissioner Youngblood <> wrote:
Thank you for your interest in McMillan Park. Your help is
needed to speak out for this historic area.

Please attend and/or testify at the Government of the
District of Columbia Historic Preservation Board hearing on
July 12 at 10AM where the proposed master plan for McMillan
Park will be reviewed. This is a very important hearing for
the future of McMillan and we need your support.

The location of the meeting is at: Office of Planning, 1100
4th Street, SW, Suite E650, Washington, D.C. 20024 (202)
442-8800.   Hearing topic: Consideration of McMillan

The preservation review process ENCOURAGES PUBLIC
PARTICIPATION AND COMMENT on projects that impact historic
property or the surrounding neighborhood. Following the
applicants' presentation, the Board will ask for testimony
from the affected ANC, any organizations or individuals in
support, and organizations or individuals in opposition. Do
you feel that the current plans reflect good preservation
of this historic resource?  What do you want to see
preserved at McMillan and why?

The HPRB is extremely interested in hearing the views of
the public. WRITTEN TESTIMONY received electronically by
the Historic Preservation Office by 12:00 noon on
Wednesday, July 11th, will be forwarded to the HPRB members
in advance of the meeting. Written testimony can also be
presented at the meeting to the Board; 12 copies should be
provided. If you provide written testimony in advance and
also intend to testify in person, the Board will ask that
you summarize your testimony. All correspondence should be
addressed to the Chairman, Historic Preservation Review
Board, Historic Preservation Office, 1100 4th Street, S.W.,
Room 650, Washington, DC 20024 or sent c/o Steve Callcott

The HPRB concerns itself only with historical and
preservation issues. The Board, by the nature of its role,
cannot consider design, aesthetic, traffic, zoning, or
political issues.

This is a critical juncture in the process of deciding what
should happen at McMillan.  Although we as citizens rarely
have a chance to directly affect a project like this, this
hearing on the 12th is one of those rare opportunities.
 Please consider supporting a positive future for the
McMillan Sand Filtration Site.

Other ways to get involved:
- Join the Friends of McMillan Facebook page and group:

- Follow @McMillanPark on Twitter:

Visit our Website: 

- Contact D.C. Council Chairman Phil Mendelson (202
724-8064, 1350 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Suite 402,
Washington, DC 20004 <>)  and Mayor
Vincent C. Gray (<>, 202 727-6300, 1350
Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Suite 316, Washington, DC 20004) and
tell them that you want any development plans made more
open, with community input.

- Please sign our petition:

 Thank you from all of us at Friends of McMillan Park.


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