Wednesday, 18 July 2012

[YEP-DC] YEP-DC Leadership Team Members Wanted! Apply Now (Deadline: Aug 3)

Interested in taking on a more active role with Young Education Professionals-DC (YEP-DC)?  

We are looking for help as we grow our organization! We are looking for five highly-motivated and highly-engaged individuals for three key vice president roles as well as two open chair roles. Chair roles require less of an overall time commitment and are great for those who don't have a lot of free time as well as those interested in becoming a future YEP-DC vice president.

Open Positions ( for details):
  1. Vice President of Communications & Marketing
  2. Vice President of Membership
  3. Vice President of Programming
  4. Community Service Chair
  5. Conference Chair

Deadline: Friday, August 3, 2012

Where to Apply: dc [at] youngedprofessionals [dot] org

How to Apply: If you are interested in applying for any of these positions, please send your resume and an email that includes the following information (bullets are fine): 
  • Which position(s) you are interested in
  • Share a little about yourself and why you want to be more active with YEP-DC
  • How you meet the experience/skills/abilities for the chair position (Note: Only required where the position description contains the experience/skills/abilities section)
  • Your availability for a 30-miniute interview from August 4 - August 19 (Please include times before or after work.  Lunchtime and weekends are also fair game.)

Please note that YEP-DC is an entirely volunteer-run organization so these positions are unpaid. If you have any questions, please contact us at dc [at] youngedprofessionals [dot] org

Thank you,
The Executive Board 
Young Education Professionals-DC
Connecting tomorrow's education leaders

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