Tuesday, 17 July 2012

[BloomingdaleActionList] Fwd: Process for Filing a claim with the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority

In case anyone needs this info

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

Ms. McDaniel,

If you wish to file a claim with the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority, please submit a written statement to the Risk Management Office with details surrounding your loss. Your statement should include your name, incident location/address, time and date of incident along with any other pertinent information that will assist us with investigating your claim. You may also complete the Property Damage Form (PDF 65 kb)  attached to this email. Be sure to fill in the entire form and include any additional information such as repair estimates or plumber's statement related to your damage claim. 

Take pictures of what has been damaged and submit those photos to our office for review.  If you have insurance, please contact your carrier to see if there an insurance rider on your policy that would afford you coverage for this loss.  List the items that you have lost in the flood on the damage claim form and state the value of that loss to the best of your ability before your scheduled trash pickup.

You may submit the Property Damage Form in any of the following ways:

By Email

Email the form to RiskManagement@dcwater.com.

By Fax

Fax the form to 202-787-2471

By Mail

District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority Office of Risk Management

5000 Overlook Avenue, S.W. Washington, DC 20032

I hope this information is helpful.  Please feel free to contact me at any time.




cid:image002.png@01CC994A.FF03F1E0   Stacey Morse, Risk Analyst

DC Water |5000 Overlook Avenue, SW|  Washington, DC 20032

( (202) 787-2431| 7 (202) 787-2471| *  stacey.morse@dcwater.com





IMPORTANT NOTICE: The security of electronic mail sent through the Internet is not guaranteed. DC WATER therefore recommends that you do not send confidential information to us via electronic mail, including social security numbers, account numbers, and personal identification numbers unless instructed to do so through a secured site. Delivery, and timely delivery, of electronic mail is also not guaranteed. DC WATER also recommends that you do not send time-sensitive or action-oriented messages to us via electronic mail unless instructed to do so.


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