--Hi all:
Do you think the rain/flooding on Friday kept the city from removing the old supercans from all of the Wednesday routes? Bloomingdale Court is a hot mess of nasty old supercans that didn't get picked up on Friday...
[ 12 ] DPW Supercan, Trash Can, Recycling Can Removal Blitz Starts Sat., May 10DPW Supercan, Trash Can, Recycling Can Removal Blitz Starts Sat., May 10
All old trash and recycling cans left in alleys and on curbs will be removed.
Effort will continue through May.
The Department of Public Works announced today that it will conduct a citywide blitz to remove all old, unwanted Supercans, 32-gallon trash cans and 32-gallon recycling cans from public space. Since receiving their new Supercans or 32-gallon trash cans and new recycling cans, District residents have indicated they want the old cans removed. More than 60,000 cans have been collected but there are many thousands more that remain in alleys and along city streets awaiting removal.
"We have had requests to remove thousands of old, unwanted cans and when we go to these addresses, we find two, three and four times the number of cans for which we have requests, and that volume overwhelmed our resources to collect them in a timely manner," said DPW Director William O. Howland, Jr. "So, now we are taking all old cans that remain in public space [alleys and curbs] to relieve residents of the cluttered alleys and curbs." Director Howland added that residents who want to keep their old cans MUST take them from public space (alleys and curbs) and put the cans on their own property after their collection day, otherwise the cans left on public space will be removed and not returned.
DPW will follow this schedule to collect from Supercan (once-a-week trash collection) neighborhoods.
Removals will be made from alleys and curbs on:
Saturday, May 10: From Monday and Wednesday collection neighborhoods
Monday, May 12: From Thursday collection neighborhoods
Tuesday, May 13: From Friday collection neighborhoods
Wednesday, May 14: From Monday collection neighborhoods
Thursday, May 15: From Tuesday collection neighborhoods
Friday, May 16: From Wednesday collection neighborhoods
Bye for now.== Scott ==--
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