Saturday, 7 April 2012

Re: [BloomingdaleActionList] Need community to showup for today's McMillan Meeting to say what you want B4 they push development forward


I will be there. 

I don't have strong ideas of what I would like to see at McMillan - just want thought put into it, with great concern about traffic and water runoff, and I don't see any need to rush into this after all of these years. Feel free to share with me some suggestions for points.

At the last BCA meeting, there seemed to be a lot of concern that addressing community benefits is getting ahead of the game. I don't know what a typical timeline is and we need to have an official one from the city, not the wanna be developer.

As for the meeting date, I hadn't realized it was Easter weekend when the date came out - I know TJ was trying for last Saturday. The hope was to give a daylight opportunity for people who have trouble getting out in the evening.



On Sat, Apr 7, 2012 at 9:23 AM, Mark Mueller <> wrote:
Today we need a show of community.
This is the last of 2 meetings the McMillan Advisory Board (MAG) set up for Community input before some Commissioners & the city try pushing Development forward. 
YES, things are moving forward with various offices such as historic preservation & DDOT reviewing proposed plans and the city fronting millions to begin.   
MAG desperately wants a list of requests from us for a Community Benefits Package.  Some believe that once we submit a requested benefits package, that the city might consider that as verification of community support.  I do not know if that is so, but as I see it, there are no limits to what the you can request in a package.  We can request anything ranging from an apple tree to an agreement from develpers to incorporate 50% vegetated roof coverage on buildings (not uncommon on a community benefits package) and agreement the developer follows Casey Tree guidance to help alleviate danger of increased flooding when much park is covered with cement. 
Not sure why this meeting was scheduled for Easter Weekend.  Possibly someone prefers less people show-up or because it's the only Saturday available before an important city meeting reviewing a proposed plan.
I suggest the following:
  • Keep people, including Commissioners, from pontificating in order to get solid bullet points of community needs/wishes/demands recorded in the minutes.
  • Make statements - not questions.
  • There are tons of "sexy" subjects to ramble on about, which consumes time & does not achieve a list of what the Community demands.  So, avoid tangents onto consperacy theories, and past community input that is not recorded anywhere. 
  • If you plan to attend, feel free to let me know and I can suggest some things to request.
TODAY at 2:00 to 5:00
The Summit- 116 T Street NE (near McKinley HS)


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