Monday, 11 February 2013

[dcab-l] Fw: RE: Attention DCBU

 Hey, Folks,
        The DCBU board just received this email. If you are interested or need more details please contact Mary Jane directly. And let us know if you get something organized. Thanks.
        Are there any jams that meet regularly in that area? Maybe you could have a special session.

PS - It's only 2 hours from the DC area.
Mike Marceau

---------- Forwarded Message ----------

Just wondering if your group would be interested in jamming or entertaining people who have attended our Heritage Days celebration on a Saturday or Sunday evening, June 8 and 9, in Cumberland, Maryland.  There is plenty of room in the fields adjoining the Canal Place Heritage Area or the area behind the Western Maryland Train Station.  I am the new hire for public relations and event planning for the Canal Place Heritage area.  I look forward to hearing from you.  301-269-5958

Mary Jane O’Rourke





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