Tuesday, 18 November 2014

[YEP-DC] Request for African American Educators to Profile

The U.S. Department of Education’s Teachers Edition newsletter would like to profile and celebrate African American educators, and is seeking nominations of outstanding African American educators to spotlight.


The template for the profile is attached and should be completed by the teacher being recommended. This template should be returned in the same format; recommendations that are not submitted via the attached template will, unfortunately, not be considered. Teachers may provide feedback by adding a separate attachment to include their perspective on the federal role in supporting African American students, highlighting what they would like to see more of and suggestions for improvement.


The profiles include:

  1. A professional picture of the educator
  2. Responses to the following prompts:

a)      Why and how did you decide upon a career in education?

b)      What is the one thing you most celebrate about your students?

c)      In what ways do you encourage parents, family members, and other caring adults to support the learning and development of African American students?


Complete profiles should be sent on an ongoing basis to Charles Doolittle at charles.doolittle@ed.gov.



Danyell S. Taylor
Communications Specialist | Council of the Great City Schools
1301 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W., Ste. 702Washington, DC 20004 
phone | 202-393-2400 fax




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