As passionate young professionals, we all want to improve our field of education. At Americans for the Arts, we’re working to ensure that all students receive a well-rounded education, which includes the arts. We’re teaming up with Participant Media (producers of An Inconvenient Truth, Waiting for Superman, and The Help) to launch a campaign called #LoveArtsEd, which we hope will raise visibility about the importance of including the arts in education.
Don’t miss out on the #LoveArtsEd movement gaining momentum right here in DC! Join your arts and education colleagues for a screening of Freestyle Love Supreme, Pivot TV’s latest show featuring arts education in action, followed by a discussion that explores how a well told story can lead to social action—in this case, improving education through the arts.
Join us at Sitar Arts Center on November 17 from 6 – 8PM for a night of entertainment, lively conversation, and FREE snacks and drinks!
Space is limited—RSVP required: https://loveartsed.eventbrite.com
Kristen Engebretsen
Arts Education Program Manager
Americans for the Arts
1000 Vermont Avenue NW, 6th Floor
Washington, DC 20005
P: 202.371.2830 x2011
F: 202.371.0424
W: http://artsusa.org/networks/arts_education/
Twitter: @harvardancer
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