Tuesday, 17 September 2013

[YEP-DC] ::CDF’s 40th Anniversary Celebration::

::CDF's 40th Anniversary Celebration::


The Children's Defense Fund will host its 40th Anniversary celebration on Monday, September 30th in the Concert Hall of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. The celebration will commence at 8:00 pm SHARP in the Concert Hall; however there are two pre-event receptions from 6:00 pm -7:30 pm in the Atrium and Kennedy Center Restaurant.


As you know the Children's Defense Fund (CDF) is a non-profit child advocacy organization that has worked relentlessly for 40 years to ensure a level playing field for all children. We champion policies and programs that lift children out of poverty; protect them from abuse and neglect; and ensure their access to health care, quality education and a moral and spiritual foundation. Supported by foundation and corporate grants and individual donations, CDF advocates nationwide on behalf of children to ensure children are always a priority.


General Admission tickets for this event are $300 and up; however, YOUNG PROFESSIONALS, ALUMNI and NONPROFITS are invited to purchase tickets at the reduced rate of $150. This rate will only be available for a limited time and you must complete the purchase of your ticket before 11:59 pm, Friday, September 27, 2013!


To purchase tickets at the reduced rate follow these steps:

1.      Visit the following link: https://secure.childrensdefense.org/site/Donation2;jsessionid=D7C6FCFC370740C222A2902A26D5E66D.app275a?df_id=3340&3340.donation=form1

2. Enter contact information and payment information


We look forward to seeing you at the reception and future CDF events. For more information click here: http://www.childrensdefense.org/.



Click on the flyer to see more information about the 40TH Anniversary Celebration and sign up for our Newsletter to get more updates!


We look forward to seeing you there! 


Some Other Links For Your Consideration


Our Website - Visit http://www.childrensdefense.org/

Twitter - @ChildDefender

Facebook - ChildrensDefensedFund

Donate - http://www.childrensdefense.org/support-our-work/


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