Request for Proposals: 5th Annual DC Data Summit Workshops
Now in its 5th year, the DC Data Summit will be held on July 8, 2014. The hosts, Achievement Network, FOCUS, New Leaders, Teach for America, and TNTP, are currently seeking proposals for workshops to be developed and delivered to Data Summit participants.
The focus of the Data Summit is using performance management practices to improve instruction. Workshops should not only showcase best practices, but, more importantly, teach participants how to implement these practices at their schools. Examples of past Data Summit workshops topics are below.
o Turning Data into Action: Strategies for Re-Teaching
o Data-Driven Decision Making 201; Raising Our Level of Practice
o Prepare for PARCC: How to Create Authentic Literacy Performance-Based Assessments
o Shared Reading of Complex Text: Building Reading Skills AND Using Student Performance to Inform Instruction
Visit for a full list of past topics and descriptions.
Data Summit participants include leaders and teachers from both DC charter schools and DCPS.
Workshops will be 90 minutes in length. Workshops should be interactive and allow participants to practice the approach being presented. Presentations and materials will be shared with participants both in hard copy and electronically.
A small stipend will be awarded to presenters.
To submit a proposal, please download and complete the form here. Forms should be emailed to Lindsay Templeton – Proposal deadline has been extended to March 28th, but if you wish to submit a proposal please e-mail Lindsay and let her know your organization's name and two sentences describing your topic by March 14th,
Lindsay Templeton
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