Wednesday, 27 March 2013

[YEP-DC] New CCSSO Common Core Position

CCSSO has a newly-created position for a Senior Program Associate on Common Core implementation. Please apply directly through CCSSO’s website here:,-dc-jobs-j3278933.html. I am unfortunately not able to answer any questions about the position; those questions can be sent directly to CCSSO’s human resources director Tressa Oliver to



Senior Program Associate, Common Core State Standards

The Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) is a nonpartisan, nationwide, nonprofit organization of public officials who head departments of elementary and secondary education in the states, the District of Columbia, the Department of Defense Education Activity, and five U.S. extra-state jurisdictions. CCSSO provides leadership, advocacy, and technical assistance on major educational issues. CCSSO seeks member consensus on major educational issues and expresses their views to civic and professional organizations, federal agencies, Congress, and the public.

The Senior Program Associate will report to the Program Director for Common Core State Standards and will work with the Common Core State Standards implementation team and other staff at the Council to support provide targeted support to states in their transition to college- and career-ready standards.

Specific responsibilities include:

  • Lead support to a group of rural states on Common Core State Standards implementation
    • Track targeted rural states’ progress on Common Core implementation and proactively identify areas of need and where plans and support should be adjusted
    • Work with states to develop and execute sub-grants on Common Core implementation
    • Collaborate with states to select facilitators for rural state Common Core commissions and monitor effectiveness of facilitators
    • Organize meeting(s) across rural states to share effective practices and national resources
    • Host regular bi-monthly calls with the state facilitators and state leadership from each of the commissions to facilitate regular collaboration and idea sharing across states facing similar challenges
    • Tailor communications resources to rural states depending on their areas of need
  • Coordinate comprehensive audits of identified states’ existing Common Core implementation efforts and follow-up support to states based on the audit results
  • Work with the IT and communications departments to identify and oversee a vendor or partner in developing a web presence for CCSSO-vetted Common Core implementation tools and resources
  • Analyze individual state communication plans for sharing information with constituents about the transition to the Common Core State Standards, common assessments, and new accountability plans, and write specific feedback with recommendations for strengthening implementation. In addition to analyzing specific state plans, analyze common strengths and areas of need across multiple state implementation plans and develop recommendations to inform future CCSSO activities.
  • Write regular updates on CCSSO progress on grants for multiple funders and support the drafting of future grant proposals.
  • Travel to support CCSSO’s direct work with state agencies on transition to the Common Core, including attending conferences and meeting directly with state education agency staff. Note that this position will require that approximately 30 percent of time be spent traveling. Travel will vary month to month.

Skills and Qualifications:

  • Excellent writing skills.
  • Bachelor’s degree in public policy or education or related field preferred; Master’s degree desired but not required.
  • At least five years of professional experience in an education or policy environment required.
  • Deep understanding of national and state education policy, including the Common Core State Standards, and the drive to seek out new knowledge in these areas.
  • Ability to work in a team environment while demonstrating the ability to solve problems independently.
  • Ability to set priorities for use of one’s time, work under pressure, and adjust tasks appropriately.
  • Comfort working in a constantly changing, highly dynamic environment.
  • Demonstrated experience managing complex projects.

Salary and Benefits
This is a full-time exempt position with an annual salary commensurate with experience, and excellent fringe benefits.



Carrie Heath Phillips

Program Director

Common Core State Standards
Office: 202-312-6433
Fax: 202-408-8072
Mobile: 773-620-1600

One Massachusetts Ave. NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20001


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