Tuesday, 2 October 2012

[YEP-DC] The Education Trust National Conference, November 8-9, 2012 in Washington, DC

On November 8th and 9th in Washington, DC, The Education Trust will bring together educators and advocates from around the country who have shown that we can change our nation's K-12 education system to raise achievement and close gaps for all students.

Whether you're a school leader looking for a rich opportunity for your leadership team, an advocate hungry to connect with others who work on educational equity, or anything in between, you'll find loads of invaluable content in our program. We hope that you will join us!

In addition to the latest closing-gaps update from our own founder and president, Kati Haycock, plenary speakers will include Dr. Charles Payne, a leading scholar of urban school reform and author of So Much Reform, So Little Change, and Dr. John King, Commissioner of Education, New York State. And you won't want to miss a special performance by Grammy Award-nominated a cappella ensemble Sweet Honey In the Rock!

Our thirty-plus concurrent sessions will cover a variety of timely topics. Here's just a sample of what's in store:

Learn from leaders and teachers of our Dispelling the Myth Award-winning schools - schools that have significant numbers of children who live in poverty or children of color and demonstrate student achievement that puts them near the top of their states.

  • Join a conversation with the leaders of one of these schools about how they manage the building to promote student achievement.   
  • Hear how a high-poverty, high-achieving secondary school is preparing for the transition to Common Core State Standards
  • Or learn how a high school just outside New York City ensures that nearly all of its students, 9 in 10 of whom are African American or Latino, graduate on time.

What's more, get the most up-to-date information on a variety of critical policy and advocacy efforts around the country.

  • Learn about the progress of the PARCC and Smarter Balanced assessment consortia from some of those leading the work.
  • Hear about the efforts of advocates in California to revamp teacher evaluations in Los Angeles Unified.
  • Or hear a former White House staffer and a former Senate staffer, both with years of experience in education policy and politics, discuss what the recent election outcome could mean for education.

Want more details? Take a look at our At-A-Glance schedule, organized by time and topic, as well as the most up-to-date list of concurrent sessions.

Worried that you missed the early bird deadline? Don't! You can still take advantage of our advance registration discount by registering online through Oct. 31.

Schedule or budget preventing you from registering for the full conference? Don't miss out! Register at our new One-Day rate, through Oct. 31, and you can still enjoy the conference, while saving on the On-Site registration rate.

If you have any questions, please e-mail me at nushomirsky@edtrust.org.

We hope to see you in November!




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