Dear Neighbors,
As you know, we have an exceptionally large hurricane headed for our part of the country. This will again test our over-taxed water infrastructure systems and our historically unreliable electric grid.
Please gather enough of the following items for you and your neighbors as a precaution and share your recommendations for what else to add to the list.
Hurricane survival kit-
- water
- energy- food, batteries, wood, fuel, matches, etc
- healthcare- first aid kit, medication, toiletries
- light- candles, flashlights, etc
- tools- can opener, swiss army knife, etc
The DC Government provides free sandbags to help residents manage overland flooding. Pick up your sandbags at 1st & Thomas Streets NW, just north of Windows Cafe. Large plastic campaign signs readily available in the streets also make excellent flood barriers across doorways.
Saint Martin's Church at North Capitol & T Street NW is a safe space for relief efforts if needed.
The Harry Thomas, Sr. Recreation Center at Lincoln Road & Seaton Place NE has maintained electricity and public internet access throughout all recent outages in the neighborhood. It's a great place to recharge your electronics and catch up on email until grid power returns. They also have showers if you lose hot water.
I'll be patrolling the Bloomingdale streets by bike, especially south of Rhode Island Avenue, to help keeps limbs cleared and maintain public safety. Please stop me if you need anything or feel free to visit my house or call or text me anytime -- 70 R St NW, 240.925.1079.
Please come out for the community safety walk on Tuesday night at 7pm starting at Windows Cafe (rain or shine) to check in for your block.
Thank you,
Hugh Youngblood
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