Dear Neighbors,
Bloomingdale's next low-impact development (LID) project to complement the DDOT Surface Water Management project will take the form of permeable surface for two private parking spaces adjacent to Windows Cafe and Mt. Bethel Baptist Church. This pilot project will demonstrate the performance and aesthetics of the PaveDrain system from local manufacturer, Ernest Maier Inc.
The Ernest Maier company has agreed to self-fund the design and installation of the two LID green parking spaces (approximately 100 square-feet total) to help build confidence in their solution's ability to collect and store storm water during Bloomingdale's most severe rain storms. Once we develop a maintenance agreement for the project, DDOT engineers have agreed to help facilitate the required permits.
If the PaveDrain system performs as promised, demonstrates ease of maintenance, and meets the community's aesthetic requirements during the Green Parking pilot project, we hope to deploy this product in upcoming local iterations of the Green Alley program in partnership with the DDOE RiverSmart Communities program.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Hugh Youngblood
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