On Wednesday, September 12, 2012 10:02:10 AM UTC-4, Ed Schaeffer wrote:
--Bluegrassers:Just a few short words on this year's Festival.The weather was, generally, superb. Therewere the regular list of Washington bluegrassfolks attending, and I always enjoy seeing themat the festival. Good people.For me, there was a special surprise, to re-unitewith a banjo picker who played with RattlesnakeHill maybe 20-25 years ago. She wandered into ourcampsite, and when I heard her speak, I askedif she was from Australia. What a surpriseto realize it was Jenny Shimmen, back fromdown-under after all these years! And, soundingvery good! It's things like this reunion with her thatkeep me breathing and singing!Talking about banjo pickers, I would mention how greatMark Delaney looked on stage with the Danny Paisleyband! Danny couldn't help but smile during each andevery break Mark took on the banjo. Likewise,the crowd absolutely applauded most every solohe delivered, and he did so with excellent stagepresence. Quite exciting, Mark!More on banjo pickers, is an admission that somehow,during all my years playing this music, I had nevercome into contact with J.D. Crowe. At Del. Valley,I made sure to heard all his shows, and enjoyed him,before he pulls the plug on his performing. I thankthe Lord for that experience with him on stage, andhearing the banjo played by a master.Does remind me on one other banjo master I saw atDel. Valley, before he quit performing, and that wasAllen Shelton, whom I had long admired.Several years ago, I was stage side, and as he begana banjo break, I found myself leaping from my chairjust to memorize a glimpse of his playing. He immediatelynoticed me, and his trademark smile lit the stage up;He and I locked eyes, and it seemed he played thatsolo specifically for me; I'll always treasure that moment.So, one story of a reunion with a banjo bandmate, anda story about two banjo masters from Del. Valley;and Mark Delaney becoming another one, right beforemy eyes!ed
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