Friday, 5 October 2012

[BloomingdaleActionList] Fwd: Meet & Greet: Phil Mendelson for DC Council Chair & Hugh Youngblood for ANC -- Sat, 13 Oct 2012, 10am - Noon, @FabLabDC

FYI, please see the note below from Commissioner Gigi Ransom of ANC 5C.

The announcement of the Mendelson + Youngblood meet & greet has the Establishment scrambling. Here's some background information:

First thing yesterday morning, CM Michael Brown stormed into Council Chairman Mendelson's office with a printout of the eventbrite announcement for the subject meet & greet and ordered Mendelson's Chief of Staff to undo this event asap. Mendelson's Campaign Manager then spent the afternoon twisting the arm of Phyllis (the event host) trying to get her to change it. 

Care to speculate on the forces at work behind the scenes and the parties' priorities vis-a-vis investment in community solutions vs speculative condo development?

Please feel free to share this with anyone else in the press who might find this dynamic interesting.

Thank you,


On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 8:04 AM, Gigi Ransom <> wrote:
Having been a supporter of Phil Mendelson for many years and understanding the fine nuances of campaigning, I'm particularly concerned about about this 'Meet & Greet" which lists both Phil and you.  It is my understanding that Ms. Klein is hosting this event only for Phil.  This is confirmed by the Invite which only lists to Meet & Greet Phil.
To help the public understand better, when and how did you get included in this event?  Where is the official notice by Ms. Klein, Fab Lab which includes you?  With you sending out this post showing a "joint event" is giving the appearance that Phil is/has endorsed you for the ANC position for which there are 2 other candidates.  From what I know, he is not/has not endorsed you and is extremely concerned about this post.
Please explain and make a retraction to all you sent this, and to me before someone goes to the Office of Campaign Finance and reports you. If you don't, Phil will not attend this event to avoid any confusion.
Scott, would appreciate your assistance in posting this to the "Friends, Bloomingdale, Randolph Place listservs.  I don't have access.  Thanks, Scott.
 Albrette "Gigi" Ransom
From: Commissioner Youngblood <>
To:;; RandolphPlaceDC <>
Cc: Heart beat <>; Jazzy Wright <>; Daniel Goldon Wolkoff <>; Nolan Treadway <>; ANC 5C <>; aaron pritchard <>; Brandon Minow <>; Robyn Mincher <>
Sent: Thursday, October 4, 2012 10:13 AM
Subject: Meet & Greet: Phil Mendelson for DC Council Chair & Hugh Youngblood for ANC -- Sat, 13 Oct 2012, 10am - Noon, @FabLabDC

Meet & Greet the Candidates -- Phil Mendelson for DC Council Chair and Hugh Youngblood for ANC 5E!

1418 North Capitol Street, NW (home of Fab Lab DC)
Saturday, October 13th from 10AM - Noon

Please join in @ 1418 North Capitol Street, NW (home of Fab Lab DC) for coffee/tea and croissants and meet Phil Mendelson, Candidate for DC Council Chair and Hugh Youngblood, Candidate for ANC5E06.

Bring your concerns, ideas, questions for the candidates!

Please RSVP, so that we can be sure to have ample goodies.

Many thanks to Mrs. Phyllis Klein and Fab Lab DC for hosting!

Hugh Youngblood


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