Anyone planning to testify at tomorrow's HPRB hearing is welcome to pass along his or her written testimony (either before or after the hearing) and I can post the testimonies around on the blog and on the lists.
Thanks to everyone who plans to testify.
== Scott ==
-----Original message-----
From: Patrick Hudak <>
Sent: Wed, May 23, 2012 11:08:41 EDT
Subject: Re: [BloomingdaleActionList] Thursday's hearing on McMillanThanks for the reminder, Betsy. I plan to attend and speak in support of greater protection for the McMillan site (which I would like to see serve as our neighborhood's public gathering spots, like Dupont and Logan Circles) and a limit on development of about 50% among other things. I fear the current plan turns the historic structures into ornamentation for housing and commercial development rather than using the development to preserve and showcase the historic sand filtration plant/site itself.The last I heard, McMillan wouldn't come up at the meeting until around 4, but that it's a good idea to arrive by 3:15 to hear the whole discussion. I also heard that folks unable to attend can send their thoughts to Steve Callcott at Wed, May 23, 2012 at 10:57 AM, Betsy McDaniel <> wrote:FYI -Hearing on May 24, 2012testimony:3 minutes for individuals, 5 minutes for groupadvance sign up not required
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