Wednesday, 19 June 2013

[dcab-l] Open jam Saturday, June 22

The Bull Run Bluegrass Music Association open jam at the Hailey Horse Farm near Vint Hill, VA, is this coming Saturday. Slow jam with instructors at 2:00 p.m. for beginners and those new to jamming.  At 3:00 a standard jam until about 6:00 p.m.  If substantial number of attendees will break into circles by level (but you make the decision as to where you play).

Directions are given below.

BTW, the New Performance Center called "4410" grand opening the night before, that is, Friday about 5:00 to 8:00 pm.  "4410" is an eclectic center for the creative arts (Jazz, Rock, painting, poetry reading, Bluegrass, classical, etc.)  Available for sessions, performances, recitals, workshops, etc.  Will feature open mics and other events open to the public. State-of-the-art sound, great creative atmosphere, nicely lit and decorated. Come out, take a look!  (Located below the Contemporary Music Center in Haymarket one block south of  intersection of Rt. 15 and I-66 a block and 1/2 from Sheetz.)

Directions to the jam at the horse farm:  From Gainesville take Rt. 29 south toward Warrenton. Well before Warrenton is Vint Hill Road.  Pass Vint Hill Road, go 300 yards to a right on Pilgrims Rest. Go to third right and turn into Quail Trail Estates (Covey Road). 1/2 mile to a pond. Hard left into 6206 Covey Rd.

Contact Bruce Gair 703-407-2327 or email

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