Wednesday, 3 October 2012

[BloomingdaleActionList] Joint SMD Meeting on Bloomingdale Low Impact Development Pilot Projects, 9 Oct 2012, 730pm

Dear Neighbors,

Earlier today (Wednesday) a group of residents and I completed initial site assessments with a local low-impact development (LID) contractor for two green alley pilot projects to mitigate flooding in Bloomingdale. We're now developing permeable pavement and water storage design concepts for the Unit Block alleys that lie between Seaton & T NW and surrounding Crispus Attucks Park (U & V NW).

Please join us next Tuesday night for a joint SMD meeting hosted by Commissioners Fournier, Mueller, and me for presentations on the proposed storm water management design solutions for these two initial sites and more information on the path forward. We intend to rapidly prove concepts during the pilot phase so that other related projects can apply our lessons learned.

Logistics details:

Bloomingdale Joint SMD LID Pilot Project Presentation Meeting
Tuesday, 9 October 2012
St Martins Church, North Capitol & T St NW
Pioneer Room (Enter through below-grade entrance on T St NW)

Thank you,


Hugh Youngblood


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