The National Conference of State Legislatures is partnering with The Coalition for a College- and Career-Ready America to host a webinar discussing 2012 legislative trends. The webinar is on June 21 at 12 pm ET. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear about the hot issues in state legislatures this year! Please see the invitation below for more details and instructions on how to participate!
Michael D. Reed
State-Federal Relations
National Conference of State Legislatures
444 North Capitol St NW, Suite 515
Washington DC 20001
(202) 624-8187 (direct)
The Coalition for a College- and Career-Ready America
Invites You to Attend a Webinar on
Moving Toward College and Career Readiness for All Students: Major Developments and Trends in 2012 State Legislative Sessions
Thursday, June 21, 2012
2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. (ET)
Sunny Deye, Program Principal, National Conference of State Legislatures
Michelle Exstrom, Program Principal, National Conference of State Legislatures
Phillip Lovell, Vice President, Alliance for Excellent Education
Elizabeth Schneider, Sr. Vice President for Strategic Initiatives, Alliance for Excellent Education
Daniel Thatcher, Policy Specialist, National Conference of State Legislatures
States remain the “laboratory of democracy” and there is much to learn from assessing how each is working to ensure that all young people graduate college and career ready.
As state legislatures around the country wrap up their 2012 sessions, having passed budgets and a range of education-related measures of local and national interest, this webinar will focus on how lawmakers are addressing a range of issue relevant to the CCCRRA’s agenda.
Key topics include:
· Ongoing implementation of the common core state standards in English language arts and mathematics. Adopted by forty-six states and the District of Columbia, the common core state standards present tremendous challenges and opportunities for state legislatures to make changes to their education delivery systems. From assessments to teacher training, states must make critical decisions on a range of implementation issues in order to fulfill the promise of college- and career-ready standards.
· Teacher evaluation. This topic is of tremendous interest in states and fueled by state applications for the Race to the Top program, as well as for waivers from the No Child Left Behind Act.
In addition to these top-tier issues and the budget, states legislatures are also addressing complex issues around school choice, digital learning, effective use of learning time, and college completion.
Join the Coalition for a College- and Career-Ready America on Thursday, June 21, from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. (ET) for a webinar highlighting these issues and trends at the state level on education reform, as well as an update on the latest developments in federal education policy. Webinar panelists will also address questions submitted by viewers from across the country.
Register and submit questions for the webinar online at
Please direct questions concerning the webinar to
NOTE: If you are unable to watch the webinar live, an archived version will be available at usually one or two days after the event airs.
The Coalition for a College- and Career-Ready America (CCCRA) is a broad-based group of reform-minded community leaders committed to increasing U.S. K–12 student performance. The coalition seeks to provide concise, actionable information to local leaders committed to ensuring college and career readiness for all students and to create an efficient, value-add vehicle for members to gain information and perspective about major developments in education reform at the federal and national levels and the impact these developments have at the state and local levels. Learn more about CCCRA at
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