Monday, 18 June 2012

Re: [BloomingdaleActionList] keeping Bloomingdale Court clean

Since Bloomingdale Court is now an official DC  street, is it eligible for street cleaning like regular streets?  Sorry if this has already been discussed.

-----Original message-----
From: "John T. Salatti" <>
Mon, Jun 18, 2012 17:25:00 EDT
Re: [BloomingdaleActionList] keeping Bloomingdale Court clean

Let me note that in addition to the Clean the Court events, you can always request an alley sweeping through 311.  Having a small sweeper come through the court might help limit the work that residents need to do.

John T. Salatti
Vice President, Bloomingdale Civic Association
(202) 986-2592

"Together, Building a Better Bloomingdale"

On Mon, Jun 18, 2012 at 5:11 PM, Andy Cassell <> wrote:
Hi Betsy and gang - thanks for sharing a bit.

We did do a "Clean the Court" event about two years ago.  A few folks did help and we swept, weeded, and just made it look good.  But it didn't take long for it to get messy again - like the next trash day...

I have wanted to do another Clean the Court day - that is kindof what I was leading into by asking you all your thoughts and then getting a day lined up where can get it spic and span.  I am not sure in the heat of summer it is the best time to do it.  Or should we wait until the fall when it's cooler and the weeds aren't multiplying before your very eyes.  I appreciate the interest!!  I'll see what the Court folks think about timing and get back to you all.

On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 3:30 PM, Betsy McDaniel <> wrote:
Mark - 

While you are checking on things, could you inquire what the policy is if trash or recycling containers spill before the collection, are the workers suppose to try to pick it up?

It would also be nice if the city could have a campaign to remind people how easy it is to schedule a bulk pickup. It is annoying to have to call about someone else's dumping, but it really is a quick call to 311 or 311 online. (I got the 311 phone app, and did not care for it.) I know it is quicker and easier to call to have an old tv  or mattress picked up then it is to carry it a block away to someone else's alley!

If there are specific troublesome spots that are on private property, DCRA will issue a warning, then a fine, for a trashy, weedy area; also for for leaving your trashcan in the alleyway.

Good luck, Andy! Has anyone thought about organizing a get together in the court  - a clean up time, then a social gathering  after. Our block does a tree box clean up twice a year, and sometimes we have a cook out after. Clean, socialize, and maybe people will be more respectful of keeping it clean! I know after the neighbors helped me weed my tree boxes, it made me work harder to keep them nice. It is so much easier when you start with a clean slate.


On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 11:49 AM, Mark Mueller <> wrote:
Hi Andy,

I'll research to see what the city can do.  Several alleys this last couple weeks became cluttered with bulk trash.  My personal guess is that our alleys are cleaner with cleaner residents.  I caught one man on our block putting mattresses along my house and in the block north of mine.  But alleys behind u st. Remain spottless due to diligent and clean residents.  Zero tolerance and hopefully capturing those that dump.  I will check out other help also.


Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2012 06:57:55 -0700
Subject: [BloomingdaleActionList] keeping Bloomingdale Court clean

Regarding the specific suggestion "Could we put up signs that say NO DUMPING YOUR TRASH here?" -- my personal observation is that when such signs are erected, the signs become announcements of "Please Dump Here!"  They seem to have the opposite of the desired effects of discouraging dumping.  So I might not recommend that as a potential solution to the issue.
== Scott ==

From: Andy Cassell <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2012 12:54 PM
Subject: [BloomingdaleActionList] Keeping Bloomingdale Court clean

Hi all:

Just wanted to send a note to get some thoughts and opinions on what could/can be done to help keep Bloomingdale Court clean.  While it has been great to have our own new street names and signage posted in the right places, there are folks that just aren't appreciating it as a true street.  Being an alley-street seems to bring with it several dirty obstacles.

  • There are folks using the court for bulk trash dumping in several areas.  Residents have called and the city does make it's way to pick it up, but it happens a lot of the time.  The area that is especially bad is right behind 2026 First St NW.  People just use it for a lot of trash and it gets very gross.  
  • Since most of the residents of B'dale Court and the houses that touch the Court in some way put their trash and recycling receptacles out in the court for trash day - it always is a trash/glass mess after the city comes through.  For example, just today, one recycling receptacle overturned and spilled its contents - they city folks just bypassed it and didn't pick up one thing.  Ugh.  I hear things falling and shattering on occasion and you have to get out there and sweep it up on a pretty regular basis.
  • A lot of weeds grow in/around the court.  Can we spray them and kill them?  Is that appropriate?

I would like to get some thoughts and opinions on how we can come together and possibly deter the bulk trash dumping and help the city keep the street clean.

Could we put up our own plants/shubs in places where the dumping occurs?  Could we hang up art?  Could we put up signs that say NO DUMPING YOUR TRASH here?  What are the options?

It seems that the court will possibly get cleaned up and repaved sometime in FY 2013, but it is a tentative project as far as I know.  Once that is done, I really hope it will help with the appearance and create a deterrent effect to prevent trash, etc.

Thanks for your thoughts.

Andy Cassell
Resident of Bloomingdale Court


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