Monday, 18 June 2012

[BloomingdaleActionList] Meetings - reminder


Bloomingdale Civic Association
 meets tonight at 7 - it would be wonderful to have a good turnout, in case one or two of our city officials should accept invitations to visit our meeting. (No promises!) The agenda is not be too long, although the unexpected is what keeps it interesting. 

Monday June 18, 2012 at 7p.m.
St. George`s Episcopal Church, 160 U Street, NW

ANC5C hold its monthly meeting on Tuesday night - they always have a full agenda.

I will have the petition to put Initiative 70 on the November ballot at both of these meetings, if anyone would like to sign. You can also email me directly, and I would be happy to bring it by for you.

Patrick (and all) - 

Sorry I don't have a locksmith rec, but I do have a general rec - be very careful - that is a business that has lots of unhappy customers. I didn't find many happy customers when I searched Prince of Petworth for a referral. I ended up changing the lock myself. Good luck!


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