Wednesday, 24 April 2013

[dcab-l] Murphy's Law strikes again

So, soon there should be a nice huge banner going across the Greenway saying that the "Loudoun Bluegrass Festival is coming up on Saturday, May 11, 2012."
Yes, that is right... They got the year wrong on the banner. I guess someone told them just "switch the date to May 11th and everything else is the same as last year" assuming that the printer would also put this year, also known as 2013.
So please don't be confused. We are not putting up a giant banner advertising an upcoming festival that happened last year. Just smile and think how happy you are that your typos and missed communications are not 5 foot tall letters for all to see..  :)

Anyhoo, we still will have a great time and do lots of jammin, and barn dancin, and see and play some great music rain or shine regardless of typos!

We still have room in the band contest and in the individual contests. Feel free to throw me an email to pre-register for those and if you want to sign up for our amazing workshops too.
The details, easy clicks to youtube videos of the headliner bands, the schedule, etc, and ability to buy the cheaper advanced ticket at $15 are all on the website. (They are $20 at the gate, all profits going to local kid's scholarships).

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