Looking for job postings or education events at this listserv?
Last year, we implemented a new membership program and this includes the opportunity to see job and event postings. To be able to access them, we invite you to become a member of YEP-DC.
At a cost of $25 annually, joining YEP-DC as a Member will provide you:
Exclusive access to our listserv, which communicates:- Bi-weekly job and internship postings in the DC area
- Invitations to area education events
- Information sharing via our blog Recess
Discounted admission to our signature events and programming such as:- YEP-DC annual conference
- Edu-Jobs
- Mentorship program
- Professional development workshops
You can register for membership here:
The current Googlegroup listserv is for YEP-DC events and opportunities. The Leadership Team of YEP-DC is finalizing our fall programming so you will be hearing about our programming soon.
Young Education Professionals of the District of Columbia
You received this message because you are a part of Young Education Professionals-DC (YEP-DC). YEP-DC is a nonpartisan group that allows its members to post education-related messages regardless of affiliation.
To submit a post to YEP-DC, send an email to dc@youngedprofessionals.org.
To learn more about YEP-DC's job posting guidelines, please visit:
To unsubscribe from the group, send an email to YoungEdProfessionals+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com
For more options, visit
http://groups.google.com/group/YoungEdProfessionals?hl=en More information about YEP-DC is available at www.youngedprofessionals.org/yep-dc
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Read More :- "[YEP-DC] Join YEP-DC"