Wednesday, 14 September 2016

[dcab-l] Fwd: Invitation To Perform Live

Only for the "young"... 😐

—Barb ~ 301-633-2504
Bassist extraordinaire

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

Date: September 14, 2016 at 7:22:49 AM EDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Invitation To Perform Live

London International Music Festival
Carlton House, 19 West Street, Epsom, Surrey, KT18 7RL, UK
44 (0)1372 722 154

The London International Music Festival is designed with three core pillars:

Education, performance and cultural exchange.

Unlike other festivals, the London International Music Festival places
a great deal of emphasis on allowing young musicians and performers to
experience world-class music in order to inspire their own music

Through workshops, clinics, masterclasses and lectures, participants
are given access to a vast pool of teaching talent. Whilst learning
from the greats is inspirational in itself, it is also in watching
other young performing groups from around the world and having
opportunities to spend time together that participants realise the
very great pleasure and fun that can be drawn from performing.

The London International Music Festival is a uniquely inspired annual
performing arts event, taking place in July each year

The London International Music Festival is a four day musical event.
Based just across the road from the iconic locations of Westminster
Abbey and the Houses of Parliament, the festival's home is the
historic Central Hall Westminster.

We are pleased to invite you to the "The London International Music
Festival." Scheduled from 17-20 July 2017. Be informed that artists
for this year 2016 edition has been confirmed already.

We would be glad to answer any questions you may have and provide
necessary clarification where needed.

I look forward to a favourable reply, and just as soon as I receive
it. I will send you complete details.

Thank you

André de Quadros
The London Music Festival 2017.


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