Saturday, 10 February 2024

Re: [dcab-l] So what would it take to cross the river??

First of all let me say a big thank you to everyone who showed up to hear my Old Town Tradition band and the excellent Shannon Leigh and The Good Bygones. This was as fine an evening of bluegrass as you could ask for in a sparkling new venue with a great sound system and an excellent stage. We were all treated as valued musicians and the performances reflected that love of all things musical.

Having now played with four different music groups on the Earp's Ordinary stage perhaps I can bring perspective to how this is all going. The venue has an excellent menu and many in the area go there to dine. To some the music is nice but secondary and they typically leave at the first break. I've seen this dynamic before. Kudos to those from Maryland who brave the bridges to see what the hype is all about. This takes fortitude and determination. I played on Tuesday night at The New Deal Cafe in Greenbelt MD and from my house in Woodbridge VA the hellish commute took over an hour and a half. Not a pleasant drive... Wish I were retired so I could visit Maryland venues more often. Weekday commutes are not for the weak of heart. perhaps a DCBU bus is in order. Or at least a carpool list on the website where people can find a ride across the Potomac. I hear a water taxi may become a reality sometime in the future.

The only sellout audience I've seen so far at Earp's Ordinary was the excellent local bluegrass band, Pictrola. A sellout at Earp's is 120+, at least until more tables, chairs, and staff are added. An audience of 75 is typical for performances. While advance reservations are preferred, you can pretty much count on just as many day-of-event walk-ins which will can double your audience.

I'll continue to support Earp's Ordinary and the DeMarco's because they are in it for the love of music. As musicians you cannot underestimate the boost that you get from being appreciated for what you do. I've got a few good videos taken at Earp's Ordinary that you can find on YouTube. You will see musicians doing what they love for people who appreciate their art.

John Werntz (bass)

On Saturday, February 10, 2024 at 9:12:20 AM UTC-5 Howard Parker wrote:

> That Anthem show (which might not be worthy of a hall pass)

Based on the number of videos, subscribers and viewers, your "might not
be worthy" might have had a full house of Maryland attendees.

Settle down and look perhaps within including the possibility that you
might have been overly ambitious. Perhaps stronger acts or even perhaps
the venue was "wrong" as nice of a place that it obviously is.

I'm not criticizing. I'm suggesting you broaden your search for answers.


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