Friday, 25 September 2020

[dcab-l] Celebrating Tom Mindte's Voice: He Took Your Place

Songwriters & Music Lovers:


There was no music, that I heard, released during the Celebration for Tom Mindte.  So, I thought

to include Tom’s harmony singing on a live cut from the Appalachian Jubilee.


I met Tom around 1980 at a restaurant open mike at La Stresa (?) on Rt 355 in Rockville, run by

Jeanne Walters.  Some others who attended: Nelson and Andrea Spangler, Jim Barnett, Mike

Marceau and others.  Bill Harrell would drop by on occasion; he enjoyed the comradery.


After the open mike ended, Tom, Jim, Mike and I decided, one time in the rain, to pick under the

protection (and light) of a nearby bank “drive-out”.  We wanted to pick!  And we started!  Before you

knew it, up drives a Cop, and the band was forced to immediately dissolve.


Another story, from back in those days. Tom, on the way to a local music event, somehow drove

over a rock, and did some car damage.  Later, around the campfire, there ensued a group joke

about Tom…. from Rockville, running over a Rock!  Just simple fun!  Tom took both the car

damage and the joking in stride.


As for this song itself, “He Took Your Place” was written by Flatt and Scruggs and appeared in

the album “Foggy Mountain Gospel”.  Traditional material, as Tom likes it!  It appeared on the

CD:  “Brimstone Bluegrass” from that performance at the Jubilee.



Congratulations to you, Tom Mindte, for your contributions to Bluegrass Music here in the

Washington DC area!  To have music woven into your life, as it has been, is not a bad “way to go”!


   Line up:


John Seaburn        Fiddle

Jim Barnett                  Banjo

Ed Schaeffer                Guitar & Vocal

Tom Mindte                 Bass & Harmony



Simply, click on Attachment!






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