Thursday, 21 July 2022

[dcab-l] Highlighting Cathy Willis at GW's Lisner Auditorium: "Walking After Midnight"

Songwriters & Music Lovers:


"Walking After Midnight" was written by Alan Block and Donn Hecht and recorded by

Country Artist Patsy Cline.  Originally, Cline was not fond of "Walkin' After Midnight",

but she recorded it on February 11, 1957, after garnering a strong response earlier that

year via her performance on the CBS program Arthur Godfrey's Talent Scouts.  (The

first release was by Pop Artist Lynn Howard with The Accents, in August 1956.)


"Walkin' After Midnight" became Cline's first major hit single, reaching No. 2 on

Billboard and No.12 on its Pop Chart.  Although the song was her only hit until 1961,

the single sold over a million copies and is often included on authoritative lists of the all-

time greatest songs in country music.


In remembering Cathy Coakley and valuing her life, I wanted to share her singing with

you. This live cut was recorded at a Lisner Auditorium  "Summer Series" concerts,

which we played with the recommendation of DJ Lee Michael Dempsey.  (She was

Cathy Willis at that time).  The auditorium was packed that afternoon, and the

audience was responsive, though generally not familiar with bluegrass.  I remember the

gig well and can still see Lee Michael sitting at the side of the stage, taking in the show,

which was recorded simply by an old-fashioned tape recorder on the stage floor.


Cathy passed on in 2011.  Here are two pictures:





Rattlesnake Hill musicians:


Cathy Willis                       Lead Vocal & Bass

Tom McLaughlin                Mandolin

Ed Schaeffer                     Guitar & Harmony Vocal

John Bruce (Roscoe)         Banjo


To listen, click:





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