Exciting news! We may have found a new space for our beloved VFW Jams.
It's the Archie Edwards Blues Heritage Foundation ("Archie's Barbershop") https://www.acousticblues.com . The space is an empty storefront with one very large room in the front and a small room in the back. The small room contains a refrigerator and a sink, and of course there is a bathroom. There are plenty of chairs and a table we can set up in the middle to put our drinks on. We can keep our familiar schedule of 1st and 3rd Monday evenings from 7-10p, plus 1-6p on Monday holidays with a potluck. There is a large parking lot.
This is not a bar so it would be BYOB. Also, the AEBHF is a non-profit and they'd like a donation for our use of the space. They're not demanding any particular amount but $3-4 per person would be reasonable, less if you're hurting, more if you've got it to spare. Proof of vaccination is required and we'd be required to wear a mask except when singing.
It's in downtown Hyattsville just off of Rt. 1.
I realize that with the extremely contagious Omicron variant, people may be hesitant to go out to a group event. Tom and I have had the Covid, so we're immune and not worried. Also, the front room is large enough that 6' social distancing would be no problem.
How does this sound to everyone? Does this sound like a space that we can make a new home? Is Hyattsville an acceptable location? Would you be willing to come out in spite of the pandemic? Please let me know how you feel. Thx!
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—Barb ~ 301-633-2504
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