If you aren't braving the crowds at Watermelon Park this Sunday, come on by the Beans Cafe at 122 W Potomac St, Brunswick, MD and play some tunes from 3-6. We're a friendly open circle and all levels of players are welcome.
Our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/BrunswickBluegrassJam
Beans Cafe website: http://www.beansinthebelfry.com/
Special Notice: The time has come to turn over the reins. I founded this jam 7 years ago because I kept finding myself in discussions with musicians about how we needed a jam in our area. It's been great fun. In recent times I have plunged into new musical endeavors and no longer feel I'm contributing much to the jam - on the other hand, my other music activities are taking up more and more of my time. So, if you're interested in taking over the host duties, please contact me. It isn't a huge task - every two weeks I post reminders about the upcoming jam in 6 places - takes under 15 min; I act as liaison between the players and the management though that's mostly just a pro-forma role; and lastly, I try to make it to most of the jams and to gently guide things so as to give all who wish an equal change to participate. You may contact me at claudedjones@gmail.com if you want to step, or just ask some questions.
Claude Jones
Brunswick, MD, USA
Brunswick, MD, USA
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